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Triathlon wetsuit repair

A triathlon suit in good condition for better performance

Triathlon is very demanding for your neoprene suit. The wetsuit is indeed mandatory for open water swims over 13°, depending on the competition.

The neoprene triathlon suit: functions and characteristics

The swim is a key event in a triathlon race. This is an endurance swim, over a distance of about 1.5KM. This corresponds to a 30th of a go in an Olympic pool. This first test is usually done with a neoprene suit, unless the water temperature is too high, in which case suits are not allowed. Unlike some sports, such as surfing, where wetsuits several centimetres thick make it possible to practice in extremely cold conditions, in triathlons, races in water that is too cold are generally cancelled, with some exceptions.

Common repairs on triathlon suits

The suit must be removed quickly during the race, which often results in abrupt movements and contact with sharp surfaces on the suit.

  • Delaminated shoulders
  • Torn collar